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E.W. Jackson: My Anti-Gay Comments Were Taken Out of Context, I'm Just Against the 'Rabid Radical Homosexual Activist Movement'

Virginia Republican lieutenant governor nominee E.W. Jackson told Newsmax TV(link is external) yesterday that the media has taken all of his anti-gay comments out of context and that his derogatory remarks were only directed at the “rabid radical homosexual activist movement.”

Jackson claimed he has only condemned the “gay rights movement, so-called, the homosexual activists,” which he said has an “absolutely horrendous” record of “desecrating the sacraments” and “engaging in all kinds of demonstrative behavior to try to call attention to what they view as their plight.”

“The rabid radical homosexual activist movement is really trying to fundamentally change our culture and redefine marriage and do a number of things that I just think are not good at all,” Jackson said.

Jackson can scream persecution(link is external) all he wants, but his past words stand on their own(link is external).

Jackson has alleged that homosexuality “poisons culture,” “poisons our children,” “destroys societies” and will bring divine punishment:

He has said that the “homosexual community” is composed of “perverse,” “degenerate” and “very sick people”:

He even suggested that gays and lesbians abuse children in order to make them gay and that an increasing number of black men are “recruited” into homosexuality:

He does realize that these anti-gay remarks are all on tape, right?