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Franklin Graham Blasts 'Anti-Christ' Obama Administration, 'Ungodly' World Vision For Accepting Gays

Franklin Graham, who warned last week that God will punish America for the Obama administration’s support for gay rights(link is external), appeared on Washington Watch yesterday, where he told host Tony Perkins that the Obama administration is behind “a move to get rid of the chaplains in our country and to completely secularize our military.”

Graham continued: “They are hostile to Christians and a lot of this is coming from this administration and it is being pushed by people within the White House, and when I say White House I’m not saying the president because I’m not sure how much of this he’s aware of, but it’s people who work for him that have power that are sitting in offices and they are hostile to Christ, they are anti-Christ in what they say and what they do and they are pushing this agenda into the military and it’s scary.”

He added that God will punish America because “as a result of spending billions on education we have taught our young people not to believe in God and now to begin to accept standards that are contrary to God’s laws and contrary to His teaching.” “

We as a people, as a nation, our politicians, one by one are turning their backs on God and we as a nation will pay for this, I believe God will judge this nation for our refusal to obey His word,” he said.

Graham also criticized World Vision, the Christian charity that recently announced it will recognize its gay employees’ marriages(link is external), and joined with Perkins in likening gays to people in adulterous and polygamous relationships.

“It’s obvious World Vision does not believe the Bible,” Graham said. “I’m sickened over it…. I’m just heartbroken and I’m sickened that World Vision has taken this ungodly position.”