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If Dems Try to Impeach Trump They’ll Get a Fight From Bikers and ‘Gun-toting, Bible-clinging, Smelly, Walmart Patriots’ Says Todd Starnes

Todd Starnes speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on September 21, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Franklin Graham’s media push for his Sunday day of prayer for President Trump and against his enemies included an interview with Fox Nation’s Todd Starnes(link is external). Graham complained about “all the attacks” on Trump and told Starnes, “God laid it on my heart” to call for the day of prayer for Trump. “It’s hard to understand” the attacks on Trump, Graham said. “There are those that are wanting to nullify what the American people voted for, and it’s just, it’s wrong.” He said God is “the only hope” for this country:

We’ve turned our back on God. We’ve taken him out of our education system, we’ve taken him out of our government, and we need more of God, not less of God, Todd. Just look at the mess that this country is in right now.

In a blog post(link is external) on Saturday entitled “Anti-Trump Democrats Are Dragging the Nation Towards Civil War,” Starnes posted an excerpt of the Graham interview and ranted about Democrats “who are actively trying to overthrow a duly elected president.” Wrote Starnes:

The facts are clear – President Trump was the victim of a political hit job. James Comey and Robert Mueller tried to take him out – but they failed. And now Congressional Democrats stand ready to finish what the Deep State started.

But they better put on their big boy pants because this president and his supporters are not going down without a fight.

Leaders of Rolling Thunder say they are ready to roar back into Washington to defend the president — if the Democrats move to impeach.

And if that happens – do not be surprised if the bikers are joined by hundreds of thousands of gun-toting, bible-clinging, smelly, Walmart patriots. The silent majority in this country is mad as hell – and we’re not going to take it any more.

We will not allow the Democrats or the Mainstream Media or the Deep State to weaponize the Constitution and overthrow a duly elected president.

They are dragging the nation dangerously close to what could be another civil war. That must not be allowed to happen.

Starnes noted that Graham had made a similar charge—that if “the president was brought down for whatever reason, it could lead to a civil war”—in an interview(link is external) with the Christian Post.