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Intercessors For America Backs Trump Lies On Family Separation Just As He Reverses Himself With Executive Order


Intercessors for America(link is external), a group that encourages conservative Christians to make the Trump administration “the most prayed for in U.S. history,” has joined the host of Trump supporters who have publicly backed up his lies, only to be left hanging when he reversed himself.

On Wednesday, the day Trump decided to sign an executive order ending his administration’s brutal family separation policy, IFA’s daily newsletter promoted a Breitbart article(link is external) by John Nolte claiming that the family separation policy was required by law, as Trump administration officials had claimed.

But, faced with public outrage and bipartisan criticism, Trump signed an order he said would end family separations at the border, which even the conservative Washington Times called “a major retreat for the president(link is external), who for the last week had blamed Democrats for the separations and said it would take a change in law to stop it.”

The Breitbart article that IFA included in its newsletter purported to discuss “13 truths the media do not want you to know about President Trump’s legal, humane, and moral handling of adults and children who enter our country illegally.”

The article, published(link is external) at Breitbart on Tuesday, slammed the “establishment media’s manufactured narrative” for spreading “fake news” about the Trump policy. “In truth,” Nolte wrote, “Trump is only complying with and enforcing the law, which is his constitutional duty and responsibility.” Furthermore, the article says, “it would be illegal for Trump to ‘reunite’ this family by allowing children to live in adult detention centers.”

IMPORTANT: The ONLY Way to Unite Families Is to Release Them into America

Obviously, we cannot have children living in adult detention centers. Obviously, we cannot have adults living in child detention centers. Therefore, the only way to “reunite” these families is to release these illegals into our country.

The media will not tell you this because the media do not want you to know that flooding America with non-citizens is their true agenda. The rich and powerful love to exploit and abuse these individuals, as they can leverage their immigration status for illegally low wages, and politicians are salivating at the chance to bestow voting rights on them — and thus entrench their power.

But when you hear the media call for these families to be reunited, remember that is coded language that means only one thing: releasing illegal aliens into our country with nothing more than a court summons.

Nolte’s article said that Trump “has moved to a zero tolerance policy” because “anything other than zero tolerance only serves as an incentive for human traffickers and other criminals to use these children as their free pass into America.” Added Nolte, “Incentivizing such a thing is monstrous.”