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It's Not Just Milo: Five Of The Wildest CPAC Speakers

Executive producer Stephen Bannon poses at the premiere of "Sweetwater" during the 2013 Sundance Film Festival on Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 in Park City, Utah. Republican Donald Trump is overhauling his campaign again, bringing in Breitbart News' Bannon as campaign CEO and promoting pollster Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager. Trump told The Associated Press in a phone interview early Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016, that he has known both individuals for a long time. (Photo by Danny Moloshok/Invision/AP)

Despite disinviting far-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference—an annual conservative gathering hosted by the American Conservative Union which starts tomorrow—still plans to welcome a variety of far-right extremists and wild conspiracy theorists.  And that’s not even counting President Trump.

CPAC has been in the news the past few days after asking Yiannopoulos, an editor at Breitbart known for his noxious rhetoric, to be the conference’s keynote speaker, lauding his invitation as a victory for the freedom of speech(link is external) and a jab against political correctness(link is external). When several outlets pointed out that Yiannopoulos has defended pedophilia(link is external) in the past, Matt Schlepp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, initially defended the decision to host Yiannopoulos as a way to stand up for the First Amendment(link is external), but later withdrew the invitation(link is external), citing the “evils of sexual abuse of children.”

Yiannopoulos, for his part, has denied(link is external) supporting pedophilia.

Even without Yiannopoulos, CPAC is still set to bring together Republican elected officials with the conservative movement’s far-right fringe. Here are just five other extremist speakers who will address CPAC this week:

Trevor Loudon

Conservative author Trevor Loudon is convinced that the “Marxist(link is external)” and “completely anti-American(link is external)” Barack Obama was part of a grand Communist conspiracy against America(link is external), claiming(link is external) he has “been mentored and guided by hardcore communists, anti-American Islamic radicals and people who despise the United States Constitution” who have trained him “from the cradle to achieve some position of power.”

“I think Barack Obama does love his country, but he does it in the same way that Adolf Hitler loved Germany or Joseph Stalin loved Russia, you know, he wants to transform it into a new vision,” Loudon said(link is external) during a 2015 radio interview. “Obama has proven time and time again that he wants to transform America into a socialist state, he wants to reduce America’s power in the world and make it more vulnerable to its enemies. He’s destroying America’s nuclear capabilities, he’s destroying America’s military and that may cost millions of American lives.”

CPAC is still set to bring together Republican elected officials with the conservative movement’s far-right fringe.

In fact, Loudon believes that Marxists have infiltrated everything from churches to Islamic groups to the Republican Party(link is external). And perhaps unsurprisingly, Loudon is also a birther who doubts that Obama is a U.S. citizen(link is external).

He is slated to speak at a CPAC panel(link is external) called, “When Did WWIII Begin? Part A: Threats at Home,” moderated by Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

David Clarke

Speaking on the same panel is Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who despite being roundly criticized for his handling of the 2012 Sikh Temple shooting(link is external) and multiple deaths at his prisons(link is external), has emerged as a conservative icon.

As we’ve reported(link is external), “Clarke has made a name for himself as a Fox News pundit(link is external) and avid supporter(link is external) of the gun lobby, using his platform in the media to attack Black Lives Matter, which he describes as a lawless(link is external), ‘subversive(link is external)’ and potentially ISIS-linked group(link is external) composed of ‘black slime’(link is external) that must be ‘eradicated(link is external),’ and to champion the cause of anti-government militants(link is external), whom he praises as patriots.”

Clarke has also lashed out at Obama as a “heartless, soulless bastard(link is external),” likened Beyoncé to a member of the Ku Klux Klan(link is external) and said that the Great Seal of the United States should be amended to include a semi-automatic rifle(link is external).

At a Trump victory rally, he urged(link is external) conservatives to have their “pitchforks and torches ready” to help the president “push back” against the “subversive” progressive movement, and has been busy tweeting following the election that anti-Trump protests “must be quelled(link is external).”

At the same time, Clarke said conservatives should respond to the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality ruling by starting “a revolution” with “pitchforks and torches” to “get this country back,”(link is external) or otherwise, the country may fall into civil war(link is external) over the issue. He has similarly called for a literal revolution(link is external), “the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison,” to protest the proposed federal assault weapons ban.

Clarke has also built close ties with the extremist Oath Keepers militia group(link is external) and an organization of sheriffs with radical anti-government views(link is external).

Clare Lopez

Clare Lopez, who is also joining Thomas, Loudon and Clarke on CPAC’s “Threats at Home” panel, advised Sen. Ted Cruz on security issues and was reportedly in the running for a national security post in the Trump administration.

As we reported(link is external) at the time, Lopez(link is external), the Center for Security Policy's Vice President for Research and Analysis, has praised figures like Joseph McCarthy and promoted several conspiracy theories:

Lopez has claimed that President Obama “switched sides in the war on terror(link is external)” and warned of the “infiltration(link is external)” of the Obama administration by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Like many anti-Muslim activists, Lopez sees the fight against radical Islam as an extension of the fight against communism, advocating for broad-based efforts to root out what she sees as the pervasive influence of subversives in government. In a radio interview earlier this year, Lopez said that Sen. Joseph McCarthy was “spot on in just about everything he said about the levels of infiltration(link is external)” of communists in government, so “we have precedent for this where we were not fully aware of the infiltration occurring at the time.”

Responding to protests against Trump’s candidacy that turned violent this summer, Lopez linked the protests(link is external) to a “witch’s brew” of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Black Lives Matter activists and a “conglomeration of anarchists, communists, socialists, progressivists, leftists of all sorts, Occupy, Bill Ayers types,” all seeking to bring down “the American political system.” She also warned of “a coordinated effort to involve Muslims into the electoral process,” an effort that she said was being “directed by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Lopez has also claimed(link is external) that while those in “bona fide religions” such as Christians, Hindus and Jews “become better people” when they “follow their doctrines,” “when Muslims follow their doctrine, they become jihadists.”

Frank Gaffney

Center for Security Policy head Frank Gaffney is so extreme that he was actually banned(link is external) by CPAC in 2011 for making baseless claims(link is external) that two American Conservative Union board members, one Muslim and the other married to a Muslim woman, are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Former ACU chairman David Keene last year wrote a Washington Times column(link is external) deriding Gaffney as a “conspiracy nut” who “has managed to convince himself that anyone with whom he disagrees is not just wrong but an agent of one conspiracy or another.”

Nonetheless, Gaffney is set to appear at CPAC this year, although he hasn’t changed much from his days since he was a CPAC persona non grata.

Gaffney believes that everyone from U2 singer Bono(link is external) to Chris Christie(link is external) is aiding an Islamist plot to take over America and install Sharia law, warning that the Muslim Brotherhood has completely infiltrated the government(link is external), as demonstrated by the logo of the Missile Defense Agency(link is external).

He has also been active in pushing the birther conspiracy theory(link is external) and discriminatory policies like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell(link is external), even making common cause with white nationalist and Alt-Right figure Jared Taylor(link is external) over their shared contempt for immigrants and refugees (although he ultimately distanced himself from Taylor(link is external) once he was called out on it).

Steve Bannon

White House strategist Steve Bannon plans to sit down for an on-stage interview with Matt Schlapp(link is external), the head of the ACU, despite Schlapp’s insistence that he wants to distance conservatives from the bigoted Alt-Right.

Bannon, however, has lauded the Alt-Right(link is external) as a “populist” and “nationalist” ideology that is bringing young people into the conservative movement, boasting that he helped turn Breitbart into “the platform for the alt-right(link is external).”

Former Breitbart writer Ben Shapiro commented(link is external) that “under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart openly embraced the white supremacist Alt-Right,” noting that it published(link is external) Yiannopoulos’s approving description of the Alt-Right as a natural resurgence of white tribal identity.

Breitbart has become an outlet devoted to reporting on “black crime(link is external)” and supposed violence carried out by refugees(link is external), and Bannon himself has reached out to European neofascists(link is external), alluded to a coming civilizational clash between the West and Islam(link is external), stoked fears that the U.S. could soon turn into an Islamist state(link is external) and pointed to(link is external) the book “The Camp of Saints,” a favorite among white supremacists, to denounce the “Muslim invasion of Europe.”

With such speakers, it is hard to see how disinviting Yiannopoulos can absolve CPAC of embracing the far Right’s worst elements.