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Janet Folger's Anti-Romney Front Group

Yesterday, a new 527 organization called announced (link is external)that it would be "the conservative answer to" and that its first order of business would be to run anti-Romney ads leading into Super Tuesday:

A new 527 group called -- the conservative answer to -- has produced a 60-second web ad responding to Gov. Mitt Romney's challenge to look to his record as governor as an indication of where he stands on the issues.

"Governor Mitt Romney challenged voters to look at his record. has done just that," said spokesperson Sharon Blakeney, a lawyer in Boerne, Texas.

Blakeney said the group is raising money to place the ad on television in Super Tuesday states later this week. The group also plans to produce ads addressing other politicians' stand on similar issues, she said. is a pro-life organization committed to the appointment of judges who will support overturning Roe v. Wade.

Blakeney appears to be a standard right-wing activist, with ties(link is external) to the Federalist Society, Texas Justice Foundation, the Alliance Defense Fund, and the Center for Reclaiming America ... which just so happens to be where Janet Folger(link is external), co-chair of Mike Huckabee's Faith and Values Coalition(link is external), used to work(link is external).

Oddly enough, guess what Folger's most recent WorldNetDaily column(link is external) is about:

Finally, there is a conservative answer to, as in Roe v. Wade – GONE. Nice, huh? What's even nicer is the ad they're launching to expose Mitt Romney's record. Be looking for secular conservative pundits and compromising pro-lifers to jump the Romney ship soon. No kidding. I predict this thing will signal the end of the Romney campaign.

What a coincidence! What is even more coincidental is the fact that Folger herself happens to narrate the new ad(link is external) (actually, it's not coincidental at all, considering that she is listed(link is external) as the organization's president in the IRS filing):

Folger has been backing Huckabee ever since she declared him(link is external) the “David among Jesse’s sons" after he won the Values Voter Debate, which she organized. Since then, she has been busy penning preposterous columns about how only Huckabee can save Christians from being imprisoned(link is external) and organizing pro-Huckabee get-out-the-vote(link is external) rallies in Iowa.

But with Huck's campaign fading(link is external), it seems as if Folger has decided to ramp up her activities and start a front group dedicated to attacking Mitt Romney.