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Jesse Lee Peterson: A Child Conceived in Rape Should Be Raised by the Rapist

On his radio program today(link is external), right-wing commentator Jesse Lee Peterson told a caller to break up with the woman with whom he has been in a relationship for five years because she has a child who was conceived via rape.

This morning, a 28-year-old caller named Caleb told Peterson that he has been in a relationship with his girlfriend, who has an 8-year-old daughter who was conceived as a result of a sexual assault, and that he has been helping to raise the young girl since she was three and that she often calls him "daddy"

Caleb wanted to know if Peterson thought it would be okay for him to marry his girlfriend, but Peterson broke his heart when he declared that he could not because this young girl needs to be in a family consisting of her natural mother and natural father, who, in this instance, is reportedly the mother's rapist.

"Absolutely no," Peterson declared(link is external). "Do not marry a woman ... who already has children. It's bad enough on kids when they don't have both parents, it's worse when a so-called step-parent steps in because the soul of that child—whether male or female—the soul yearns for a father, not a step-father or a step-mother. They want their natural father and natural mother, and especially their natural father. So, if this woman is a decent woman at all, she will sacrifice for her child, not for herself, but for her child and you're going to be in the way."

"That's heartbreaking," replied Caleb, who then asked Peterson what he should tell this little girl to whom he has been a father figure for most of her life.

"Let her know that you are not her father and that you apologize for getting involved with her mother," Peterson recommended. "[Tell] her not to be angry and to love her father, her real father, and don't believe anything that anyone has to say about him, so that she can love her father and she will grow up a peaceful young lady and she will have a good life."