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Klingenschmitt: Gay Activists 'Want Your Soul'

On his "Pray In Jesus Name" program today(link is external), Colorado pastor and GOP state house candidate Gordon Klingenschmitt railed against a situation in Kentucky(link is external) in which a t-shirt printing business was found to have violated the city's nondiscrimination ordinance when it refused to print up shirts for a local gay organization, which he cited to declare that it is the goal of gay activists to force Christians to violate God's law and end up in Hell.

Insisting that measures which bar discrimination against gay customers are a violation of the First Amendment, Klingenschmitt proclaimed that gay rights activists are driven by a demonic spirit that seeks to force Christians to "disobey God" so that they will wind up in Hell.

"They want your soul," Klingenschmitt said(link is external). "They won't be satisfied with your money. They don't really want the t-shirts. They want your soul. They want you to disobey God so that you go to Hell with them. It's not enough that they go to Hell for disobeying God, they want you to disobey God so that we all go to Hell. That's the Devil's goal in the end":