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Lance Wallnau Asks God to Send Angels to Protect Trump From Impeachment and 'False Prophet' Media

Lance Wallnau speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on September 21, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Right-wing evangelist Lance Wallnau hosted a special broadcast(link is external) on his Facebook page last night as part of the Religious Right's effort(link is external) to make(link is external) June 2 a national "special day of prayer" for President Trump. Wallnau used his broadcast to call on God to send angels into the White House to protect Trump from the threat of impeachment and to silence the lies he said are coming from the "false prophets" in the media.

After Wallnau prayed that God would provide comfort to Trump, "who now has 93 percent of the media beating on him with propaganda, 24-hours-a-day" and "has deep state conspiracies surrounding him," he asked God to "send help from the sanctuary" in the form of angels directly into the White House to protect the president.

"Send angels that will strengthen him," Wallnau prayed(link is external). "We release and agree for angels to move even now on location, on to that property. Lord, we ask you that you would grant according to your own heart and fulfill all that you intended, that this won't be stopped, that this administration will not be aborted, it will not be blocked, it will not be a stillborn presidency."

"Even all of this talk about impeachment," he continued, "we pray that the wheels will come off the chariots of Pharaoh as they are in pursuit of this president with false allegations and accusations in the echo chamber of the deceived, causing Americans to be confused and bewildered because of the lies and the propaganda that come out of the mouth of the false prophets. Listen to me, the media is the modern-day false prophet. Trust me on this. It's not some guy rising up out of the one-world church; right now that one-world church is the secular movement and it's a false religion and the media are the mouthpiece of the lies that are destroying the unity of this nation."