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Land: 'The Ultimate Rebellion Against God's Creation Is Transgenderism'

Earlier this week, Vice President Joe Biden spoke out against(link is external) anti-gay discrimination around the world, declaring that the fight for gay rights is the "civil rights issue of our day" and saying that no culture has an excuse to practice prejudice and intolerance.

Richard Land, not surprisingly, did not agree with Biden's remarks, telling Newsmax TV today(link is external) that his comments were "simplistic" and "wrong-headed" because "deeply-held religious convictions" cannot be brushed off merely as social or cultural values.

"The Bible," Land said(link is external), "is quite clear that homosexual behavior and lesbian behavior is a rebellion against God's order and perhaps the ultimate rebellion against God's creation is transgenderism. You know, I was born this way but I don't want to be this way so I'm going to change my gender; I don't know how you can have a more ultimate rebellion against God's creation and God's order than that."

For Biden to put the government "on the side of lowering religious convictions to the level of cultural and social values," Land concluded, "is ignorant at best and malicious at worst":