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Larry Klayman Rally To Overthrow Obama Draws Slightly Fewer Than The Millions Expected

Larry Klayman predicted(link is external) that his rally calling for the overthrow of President Obama would draw “millions to occupy Washington D.C.” and that those millions would “occupy parks, sidewalks, public areas” until the president leaves office. In the end, no more than a hundred people showed up for today’s big event.

Nevertheless, Klayman told Tea Party activists that he is still confident that the Reclaim American Now rally will force the president to resign and that grateful Americans will beseech Klayman and his allies to organize a new Continental Congress(link is external) in Philadelphia.

Below are some of our favorite pictures from the revolution.

1. The millions descend...

2. But don't worry they are "not racists."

3. Stop Obama's Sharia!

4. Yes, yes that is a Confederate flag hat.

5. Judgment is coming here.

6. "George Washington" reads the new Declaration of Independence from Obama.

7. Larry Klayman addresses the masses.

8. "God is behind Larry Klayman."

9. Nobama.

10. They are just asking the question!