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Linda Harvey Compares Homosexuality to Cannibalism

Mission America president Linda Harvey this weekend hosted(link is external) ex-gay therapist Floyd Godfrey, who describes his own path to “healing” his homosexuality by befriending more men, going to the gym and getting a job at a gas station as a mechanic. Harvey and Godfrey claimed gays and lesbians were most likely abused as children or have such envy for same-sex peers that they develop sexual feelings for them… just like cannibals who eat their own leaders.

Harvey: What I’ve heard of is that part of that though is that you think that you could become what that person is by being close to them, which I don’t think the male-female you never—is that accurate in any way? Almost like a cannibalism kind of a feeling.

Godfrey: That’s true. Dr. Elizabeth Moberly had talked about homosexuality like cannibalism because we’re so hungry. And that is what it feels like to those who struggle with homosexual feelings, they’re so hungry they just want to eat it up, they want to assimilate, they want to eat what they don’t feel like they have. If you look at cannibals they would eat the leaders of the tribe, they would eat those that have the qualities they so admired. A young man with homosexual attractions is so envious, he’s jealous of other boys, he puts them on a pedestal, he might idolize them, he’s jealous of them, so he’s trying to assimilate what he feels like he doesn’t have. So that’s where that metaphor comes from.