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Liz Crokin: John F. Kennedy Jr. Faked His Death And Is Now QAnon

Last weekend, right-wing “journalist” and fringe(link is external) conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) Liz Crokin did an interview with online psychic(link is external) and YouTube host Jenny Moonstone in which she laid out her theory that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his own death(link is external) in 1999 and is now behind the QAnon account.

QAnon is an anonymous figure at the center of a right-wing conspiracy theory known as "The Storm(link is external)" that alleges that high-ranking members of the Trump administration have been using the 8Chan forum board to drop hints revealing that Robert Muller's special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is really cover for a secret operation to take down a global network of satanic pedophile cannibals. Proponents of this conspiracy theory have increasingly(link is external) been making their presence known(link is external) at Trump rallies.

In a video(link is external) posted by Moonstone on Sunday, Crokin explained her theory that JFK Jr. has been running the QAnon account all along, insisting that any mockery she receives, or attacks she endures, for promoting her absurd ideas is proof that she is right.

Crokin asserted that when she first heard the theory of JFK Jr. being behind the QAnon account, "it immediately resonated with me, I got goosebumps everywhere. I'm a very intuitive person and usually when that happens, that's confirmation that there is truth to it."

"Q at one point said, 'You're not going to believe who you are talking to here,'" Crokin said. "When Q wrote that, I thought it's going to be someone that's so crazy that even people that are woke and know what's going on are going to be like, 'Oh my lord, this is insane' ... John F. Kennedy Jr., that would be shocking because we all think he's dead."

Crokin went on to assert that, as a writer, she has an amazing ability to understand handwriting and uncover the truth simply by examining the things that people write, which leads her to believe that JFK Jr. is, in fact, the main force behind QAnon.

"The one thing that always struck me about Q's posts is the passion for John F. Kennedy Sr.," she said. "When I say passion, I'm talking the passion for JFK Sr. is so intense, I don't see how this passion could come from anyone that A) didn't know him and B) didn't love him. So you have to think about, well, who could that be? Well, if John F. Kennedy Jr. was still alive, that would make perfect sense."

"The way that Q talks about JFK Sr. in the posts, it is with such love and passion, it makes me think that it is someone that is close to him," Crokin added. "If JFK Jr. faked his death and was alive, it would make sense that he was Q."