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Liz Crokin: The Coronavirus Is Cover for the Military to Make Mass Arrests

Right-wing “journalist(link is external)” and Trump(link is external)worshiping(link is external) conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) Liz Crokin posted a video(link is external) on YouTube last night in which she declared that the current coronavirus outbreak is really just a cover for the Trump administration to carry out the mass arrests long promised by conspiracy theorists.

Like her friend and fellow conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor, who suggested(link is external) the same thing earlier this week, Crokin is an ardent believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that President Donald Trump has been working diligently to arrest countless prominent political, media, and business leaders for allegedly being part of a global satanic pedophile ring.

In early 2019, Crokin publicly declared(link is external) that if the mass arrests long promised by "Q" did not happen by the end of the year, she would "bow out" of the movement and "move on" with her life. The arrests never happened, but Crokin refused to give up, and she is now claiming that the coronavirus outbreak may really be cover for them to finally occur.

"I do believe that when these mass arrests happen that we will be in martial law for our own safety," Crokin said(link is external). "I believe that the coronavirus, which the president of the United States and many doctors have said is no more serious than the flu, is the cover to put the country into lockdown—just like Italy is in lockdown—to possibly declare martial law, get people off the streets, keep them in their homes, so they're safe so when the military and the National Guard sweeps in and conducts these mass arrests, it is done in a manner where people are kept safe."

"Since 2017, Q has been talking about these mass arrests, and Q has also been talking about how when these mass arrests happen, there will probably be many days of darkness, social media might go down, the National Guard is going to come in, and the military will be used to arrest these people," she added. "That is what I believe is happening right now."