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Michael Savage: Obama Prepared To Ban Guns, This Time For Real

Every year, we hear from right-wing outlets some new way that President​ Obama is going to secretly ban guns. Such gun bans, of course, never materialize, prompting the pundit to just move on to the next conspiracy theory.

Take Michael Savage, for example. Last year, the right-wing radio talk show host claimed that Obama would “use Ebola as a pretext” to “take the guns.” (link is external) Since that never happened, Savage now has a new theory for his fans: Obama will sneak a gun ban into the Trans Pacific Partnership, a controversial free trade deal, without the public ever knowing about it.

“This is a dictatorship as sure as I’m sitting here,” Savage told his listeners on Friday(link is external). “Obama’s the most dictatorial president in American history, he was never fit for office, he was voted out of office in November.”

Savage cited a memo from Gun Owners of America that was posted(link is external) on the conspiracy-theory outlet InfoWars, which claimed that the TPP may include “full implementation of the anti-gun UN Arms Trade Treaty” and an “illegal amnesty which locks in millions of new, anti-gun voters.”

Savage said that while he has no idea if such language is part of the TPP, he predicted that the “sneaky socialist” Obama will make sure that the trade agreement gives him “dictatorial power over America.”