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Pat Robertson: God Didn't Heal Cancer Victim Because Maybe She Hated Her Husband

Today on “The 700 Club(link is external),” Pat Robertson fielded a question from a viewer who asked if God heard their prayers for a friend’s wife who had cancer and then passed away. Robertson said that God may have received the viewer’s prayers but then rejected them, leading him to speculate wildly as to why God let the woman die.

“You don’t know what went on with that wife,” he said(link is external). “You don’t know what was in her heart. You don’t know what sin she had committed. You don’t know how much unbelief was there. You don’t know whether she hated her husband. You don’t know any of these things.”

“You’ve been praying and God says, ‘Okay, I’m sorry, but the answer is no,’” he added.