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Radical Right-Wing Activist Janet Folger Porter Is Running for Congress

Janet Folger Porter, a radical anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, religious-right conspiracy theorist, has announced that she is running for Congress(link is external) in her home state of Ohio.

When Porter ran for state office in Ohio in 2016, we exposed her long history(link is external) of radical right-wing extremism:

For years, Porter used her daily radio program and weekly column to promote(link is external) a variety of conspiracy theories surrounding President Obama's birth(link is external), alleging that his election was the result of a massive communist conspiracy(link is external). After her prayers(link is external) failed to prevent Obama from taking office and subsequently cursing(link is external) America, Porter went to work warning her fellow conservatives that Obama would orchestrate food shortages(link is external) in order to starve them to death, use a swine flu outbreak as an excuse to lock them up(link is external) in concentration camps, and use Obamacare(link is external) to deny them healthcare and eliminate them(link is external).

Porter has(link is external) also long warned(link is external) that increasing acceptance of gay rights will turn (link is external)Christians into criminals(link is external) who will eventually be(link is external) rounded up and tossed in jail(link is external), going so far as to try and prevent the Supreme Court(link is external) from ruling on the issue of gay marriage. Recently she produced an anti-gay documentary called "Light Wins(link is external)" that featured(link is external) a variety of Republican members of Congress, GOP presidential hopefuls and anti-gay activists warning that gay activists are "grooming(link is external)" and endangering(link is external) children, for which they should be held criminally liable(link is external).

Despite her radical views(link is external), Porter managed to host a "Values Voters Debate" back in 2007, which featured(link is external) Mike Huckabee and other GOP presidential contenders making their pitches to a bevy of radical Religious Right activists. But Porter's star dimmed a bit when her radio program was cancelled(link is external) in 2010 due to her growing ties to the Dominionist movement, as typified by her prayers that God would give conservative Christians control over the government(link is external) and the media(link is external):

After losing(link is external) her bid for office, Porter focused her attention(link is external) on passing a series of anti-choice "heartbeat bills" at both the state and federal(link is external) level,(link is external) which she openly admitted(link is external) were intended(link is external) to outlaw abortion(link is external) "before the mother even knows she’s pregnant." Last year, the Supreme Court allowed(link is external) a version of one such "heartbeat bill" to go into effect in Texas amid legal challenges regarding its constitutionality.

In 2017, Porter served(link is external) as a spokesperson for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore when he was accused of making sexual advances on teenage girls when he was in his 30s. Porter proudly stood by Moore and declared(link is external) that working for him was like "working for a Founding Father."

Interestingly, Porter has not focused solely on political work, as she has also spent the last several years trying to sell a television pilot(link is external) featuring herself in the starring role.