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Rick Joyner Apologizes To Putin And Islamists For America Becoming 'A Gay Nation'

Speaking at a “prepper” event at Jim Bakker’s megachurch in Missouri last month(link is external), televangelist Rick Joyner lamented that people like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Islamist leaders hate America because we have become “a gay nation(link is external).” This, Joyner said, was very true and deserved an apology, which he offered on the spot.

“One of the things [the Russians] really hate is what they think we have become, a gay nation,” he said. “It’s the main reason why Islam, by the way, calls us the ‘Great Satan.’ They think we’re, we say we trust God, we put that on our money, but we export the worst kinds of perversion all over the world.”

“And of course they have their own perversion, they have — but they see us as the source of the worst spiritual and moral pollution in the world. And, you know, we can’t disagree with that. That shouldn’t be happening here.”

“You know, when I spoke to a meeting of many of the top mullahs and imams at the World Public Forum, I apologized for that,” he continued. “And I will apologize. I am really sorry for the moral filth and pollution that is coming out of America, and this is happening on our watch too. You know, there are a lot of reasons why the nations hate us, but mainly they see hypocrisy on a level unprecedented. We say one thing and do the other.

Joyner, who was helping Bakker sell the survivalist goods that he markets through his ministry, went on to warn that the Obama administration is now working with the Council on American-Islamic Relations — falsely claiming(link is external) that a U.S. court designated it as a terrorist group — to treat Christians in the U.S. as terrorists while completely ignoring Muslims plotting attacks.

“This is either naiveté, incompetence on a level unheard of in history, or it is treason, this is an inside job,” he said. “We’re letting them cross our border, we’re letting them fly into our thing. Now there are many being stopped, there are many great agents doing their job in spite of being handcuffed by regulations, orders coming down, memos, everything else. Our FBI was forbidden from investigating Muslims.”

Now, Joyner warned, the government has “started targeting … Christians, veterans, Second Amendment rights groups,” and saying that “we’re the terrorist threat, not the Muslims.”

“There’s a meltdown going on, America is being melted down, it’s being destroyed from within,” he warned.