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Rick Wiles: Columbine And Sandy Hook Were Carried Out By 'MK Ultra Mind Control Assassins'

As we noted the other day(link is external), Rick Wiles is a reasonable and rational man, which is why it makes sense that other Religious Right(link is external) activists(link is external), political candidates(link is external), and members(link is external) of Congress(link is external) regularly appear on his End Times radio program.

After all, why would anyone on the Right see any need to try and distance themselves from someone like Wiles, who kicked off yesterday's broadcast(link is external) by declaring that 9/11 was carried out by a "sinister global secret government" that is also responsible for mass shootings like Columbine and Sandy Hook, which were carried out by "MK Ultra(link is external) mind control assassins":

There is a sinister global secret government taking shape on planet earth. The 9/11 attack was the opening attack in an on-going psychological warfare operation to use horrific, bloody events for maximum mass shock purposes to condition the public to accept per-conceived thoughts about  security versus freedom.

Adolf Hitler's Nazis burned down the German Reichstag and used the shock, horror, and anger to justify giving Hitler dictatorial powers.

George Bush, whose grandfather did business with the German Nazis, used 9/11 to justify the USA Patriot Act and the establishment of Homeland Security and the TSA. Duped by the Religious Right, millions of gullible church members flocked to the polls to re-elect him.

Today, an imposter named Barry Soetoro resides in the White House, pretending to be the president.


[This] regime will have to convince gullible Americans who do not know their history that their gun-owning neighbors are a threat and menace to society. Such an operation has been underway for many years.

Mass shooting events such as the Columbine school shooting and the Washington Beltway Sniper are being carried out by MK Ultra mind-control assassins who were programmed to go on a murder spree.

The regime moved to another level on December 14, 2012 when a gunman allegedly went on a bloody rampage in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Sandy Hook was timed to coincide with the political agenda of the socialist Democrats such as Barry Soetoro, Chuckie Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein to pass stringent federal gun control laws.

It was not a coincidence. The shooting event was timed to coincide with the gun control initiative.