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Rick Wiles: Hillary Clinton Intended to Put Conservatives in Concentration Camps

Rick Wiles of TruNews (Image Art: Jared Holt)

In 2015, Hillary Clinton spoke(link is external) at the American Camp Association's annual conference, where she told the audience that "there's a huge fun deficit in America" and that it would be great if there were "camps for adults" where people could come together, have fun, and learn get along.

Given that the American Camp Association is(link is external), as its name suggests, "a community of camp professionals who ... have joined together to share our knowledge and experience and to ensure the quality of camp programs," Clinton's comment that the people in the audience would be perfectly suited to run such "fun camps" is perfectly innocuous—unless, of course, you are a right-wing conspiracy theorist like Rick Wiles.

Last night, Wiles played a clip from Clinton's 2015 speech on his TruNews program(link is external) and claimed that what she was really talking about was setting up concentration camps for conservatives.

"The queen of sleaze, Hillary Clinton, she jokingly told her supporters one day, 'What we need in America are fun camps for adults,'" Wiles said. "If you're wearing the uniform, you may be sadistic and have a lot of fun, but if you're a prisoner, you may not think it's too funny."

"Hillary told her supporters, 'Maybe you will run the camps,'" he continued. "Just think about what she was saying. All the leftists there knew what she was hinting about. Re-education camps. Concentration camps. And you might have a job there. She was sending the signal of what they could anticipate if she got in the White House."