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Rick Wiles: 'Jihad Barry' Leading An 'Islamic Invasion Of America'

Yesterday, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, End Times radio host Rick Wiles Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> returned to one of his favorite subjects(link is external), claiming that the Syrian refugee crisis is all part of “Jihad Barry” Obama’s plot to “lead an Islamic invasion of America.”

Wiles cited the words of Avi Lipkin, who has recently been spreading the rumor(link is external) that there are ISIS plants in every church in America, saying that Lipkin told him as far back as 2011 that “Barack Obama was going to lead an Islamic invasion of America, that there was going to be chaos in the Middle East and it would be the cover to migrate millions of Muslims into the West.”

Wiles said that while, at the time, people “couldn’t imagine it,” recent events are bearing out Lipkin’s prediction.

“I’m telling you, this is what’s going on,” he said, “this mass migration is not an accident, it’s not the fruit of bad policy, it’s the fruit of deliberate policy. This is a man who is deliberately hitting beehives, going from tree to tree hitting a beehive with a baseball bat. He knows what he’s doing, and this is to create total confusion in the West. I’m talking about Barack Obama, this man is Jihad Barry. He is a jihadist.”

Although people might laugh now, he said, “I believe history will prove me to be right.”