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Rick Wiles: The Antichrist 'Will Be A Homosexual Jew'

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles remains irate(link is external) over the fact that former Rep. Michele Bachmann recently apologized(link is external) for past remarks in which she said that Christians must focus on converting Jews because the End Times are near, and he dedicated much of his "TruNews" television program on Tuesday night(link is external) to railing against Bachmann and right-wing pastor John Hagee, whom Wiles blasted for not mentioning Jesus during his prayer at the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.

Wiles said that this sort of "apostasy" is a sign that the End Times are near and warned that the Antichrist "will be a homosexual Jew."

"What is the spirit of antichrist?" Wiles said. "It is anybody or anything that denies that Jesus Christ came to earth as God in human flesh. That is antichrist. If you deny it, then you are antichrist. And the Jews and Judaism is antichrist. Any Jew that denies that Jesus Christ is the son of God in human flesh, then he is antichrist. Judaism is antichrist. Islam is antichrist. Hinduism, Buddhism, all those isms [are] antichrist because they deny the virgin birth of the son of God."

"I personally believe that the Man of Perdition, the one that you call Antichrist, I personally believe he will be a homosexual Jew," Wiles added. "Watch out for global Zionism taking over this planet through artificial intelligence. There are two things that you cannot publicly criticize now; you cannot criticize the homosexual agenda and you cannot criticize Zionism. Those two are together. They're driven by the same spirit. And what is coming is a global entity that is going to be Zionism and homosexuality and it's going to be operated through artificial intelligence and it's going to be policed through the most high-tech surveillance society that you can imagine. It will be a nightmare."

"Israel embraces homosexuality," he continued. "They need to be told, 'You're sinners, you're going to go to Hell, you need to repent, you need to call upon the name of Jesus!'"