Randall Terry is driving a bus around Florida carrying the message that "it is a sin to vote for Hillary."
MassResistance has released a new book: "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals."
Richard Land says that this election is "about Mrs. Clinton being the most dangerous person in the White House in terms of our freedoms and our liberties."
Jake MacAulay says that "Chief Justice Roy Moore [is] the Reincarnation of the Spirit of Our Founders."
Poor Jim Garlow: "The one thing that every journalist/news host should treasure is trust. Trust from those who watch & listen. I lost trust in Megyn Kelly tonight. I am not angry, but saddened to see her become just "one more of 'them' - the Mainstream Media." What a loss. What a tragic waste of talent."
Finally, Wayne Allyn Root is so confident of a Trump victory that he claims to "have made a very big bet" that he'll win: "I think I'm going to be the Joe Namath of this political election."