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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 11/24/14

  • Christian Nationalist David Lane's(link is external) effort to turn America into a theocracy moves forward as he seeks to recruit(link is external) 1,000 pastors to run for public office.
  • David Lazarus says(link is external) that Muslims praying in the National Cathedral "looked like a chilling scene from a Last Days, anti-Christ-takes-over-the-world disaster movie."
  • Here is a helpful tip for the folks over at OneNewsNow: The man in the image featured in this article(link is external) is not Bishop Harry Jackson, it is E.W. Jackson.
  • Glenn Beck continues to insist(link is external) that "the AP should be ashamed of themselves" for having "raped" Bill Cosby.
  • True the Vote warns(link is external) that after Obama’s immigration action "noncitizens numbering in the millions" will cast fraudulent ballots, transforming American citizens from "citizens to subjects."
  • Finally, John Hagee called(link is external) President Obama "one of the most anti-Semitic presidents in the history of the United States of America."