Scott Lively says that "Judge Roy Moore is the victim of a witch hunt the likes of which we haven’t seen since Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas."
Joy Overbeck doesn't believe the allegations against Moore and says that "if Moore did this unsavory thing, for which there is no actual proof, only he said/she said, he was a Democrat at the time; he didn’t become a Republican until 1992. Hmmm."
Kurt Schlichter defends Moore by insisting that "basically the Democrat Party is a Duke lacrosse team that actually did it."
Gary Bauer tells conservatives to be careful about demanding that Sen. Al Franken resign from office "because there's already a movement afoot in Minnesota that if he is forced to resign, to replace him with Congressman Keith Ellison, who would be the first Muslim senator, and who has a long record – not of sexual harassment, but of being anti-Israel and anti-Semitic … and a follower of Malcolm X and the whole black Muslim movement."
Ann Coulter wishes that "maybe we could just put Trump in charge of tweeting and let Stephen Miller run the country."
Finally, Mary Colbert claims that God told her directly that He will vindicate Roy Moore.