Rick Joyner says that "if Hillary Clinton had been elected, I believe we would be in a civil war right now."
Bill Mitchell insists that "it has never been proven" that Russia hacked the DNC's emails during the 2016 elections.
Jake MacAuly declares that even if President Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation, it is not a crime because the investigation itself was unjust: "Isn’t it especially the duty of elected officials (like a President) to resist and to oppose? Doesn’t their oath of office compel them to interpose against the corruption?"
Mat Staver warns that the Equality Act is "the most extreme threat to religious freedom, free speech, privacy and to women's rights that has ever been proposed in Congress" and that Christian conservatives must "stop Democrats from imposing the radical and unforgiving LGBT agenda on your family, church, school and business."
Finally, Rick Wiles fumes that Right Wing Watch is "a political smear operation financed by wealthy Zionist Jews who slander Christians."