Jerome Corsi is urging people to participate in a "Jericho March" in Washington, D.C., and various state capitals as a form of "spiritual battle," asserting that "God and Jesus Christ are not going to let this election be stolen" from President Donald Trump.
Todd Coconato insists that Trump won the election "by the biggest landslide in the history of our country."
In a typo-filled screed, Dave Daubenmire proclaims that "there is a war raging in America, but the combatants are not the one’s that the Fake Media has force fed us. The war is over Truth. It is not Republican/Democrat, black/white, rich/poor, or conservative/liberal. The battle is good verses evil. Government verses the people. The Swamp against the Swamp owners, the Seed of the Serpent against the Seed of the Women."
DeAnna Lorraine thinks that Trump should start holding rallies again and challenge Joe Biden "to a rally-off" to prove who is more popular.
Finally, Michele Bachmann is asking God to let the Republicans win the Senate elections in Georgia and to "allow Donald Trump to have a second term as president of the United States."