Right Wing Round-Up: Big Fan

  • Owen Lavine @ The Daily Beast: DOJ Bombshell Alleges MAGA Media Group Is Backed by Russian Money
  • A media company matching the description of Tenet Media, which hosts six MAGA commentators, allegedly received $10 million from Russian sources, according to an indictment.

  • Ben Smith @ Semafor: Blaze fires contributor linked to alleged Russian operation
  • A conservative American media company has fired one of the YouTubers implicated in an alleged Russian influence operation exposed by the US Department of Justice this week. “Lauren Chen was an independent contractor, whose contract has been terminated,” Blaze Media CEO Tyler Cardon said in an email to Semafor.

  • Chrissy Hallowell, Arden Farhi, and Clare Hymes @ CBS News: Evangelical leader Lance Wallnau pitches Trump to followers as divinely chosen for presidency
  • Lance Wallnau, a firebrand leader of the nation’s growing grassroots evangelical movement, says it initially took some convincing to persuade evangelical Christians to recognize former President Donald Trump as divinely chosen to navigate these chaotic times.

  • Greg Owen @ LGBTQ Nation: Anti-LGBTQ+ trolls will soon host a “sexist & racist” roast of Kamala Harris at state college
  • Self-loathing “ex-gay” conservative Milo Yiannopoulos, white supremacist Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnis and a cohort of fellow racist and antisemitic MAGA provocateurs are polishing their pitchforks for a scheduled “roast” of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, scheduled for September 18 at the University of South Carolina (USC).

  • Angry White Men: Michael Flynn Tells Antisemitic Podcaster He’s A ‘Big Fan’
  • Right-wing conspiracy theorist and retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn recently praised antisemitic podcaster Jake Shields. On an episode of Shields’ Fight Back podcast, Flynn, who resigned after a brief stint as Trump’s national security advisor, called himself a “big fan” of Shields.

  • Tyler McBrien @ Mother Jones: How the Right Explains Trump’s Authoritarian Logic to Themselves
  • As institutions prove their independence by holding Trump accountable for breaking laws and democratic norms, he calls them corroded, arguing that he must be allowed to further break laws and democratic norms to fix them.

  • Matt Shuham @ HuffPost: Texas’ Right-Wing Leaders Are Going To ‘Scary’ Lengths To Intimidate Political Rivals
  • The Texas attorney general is using search warrants, undercover operations and more to intimidate Latinos, organizers said.

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