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Scott Lively: Obama Orchestrated Coup In Ukraine To Prevent Russian-Style Anti-Gay Laws From Sweeping The World

Earlier this year, extremist anti-gay activist Scott Lively penned a "letter to the international pro-family movement,(link is external)" in which called on activists to work to pass Russian-style laws banning gay "propaganda" in nations all around the world.

Anti-gay radio host Janet Mefferd was apparently so impressed by Lively's call to arms that she posted a link(link is external) to his letter on her website and invited him onto her radio program(link is external) this week to promote it.

Lively and Mefferd spent a good portion of the program warning that gay rights activists are a relentless and implacable foe that will never stop until they have gained "absolute control of every institution of the culture" and destroyed any Christians who dare to object.

The only hope is to impose Russian-style laws, Lively declared while floating his theory that President Obama orchestrated the coup in Ukraine in order to prevent such laws from being implemented in that country and sweeping the world.

"A lot of people aren't going to want to hear this," Lively said, "but really the model for being able to fix this is Russia ... St. Petersburg became the first city that adopted the Russian anti-propaganda law that criminalizes homosexual propaganda to children. This is absolutely essential to be done and several other Russian cities adopted it, then they took it nationally and it was passed unanimously by the Russian Duma and Putin signed it. That's the law of the land in Russia."

"Immediately, five other countries, including Ukraine, were going to follow suit and enact that into law," he continued, "and it looked like there was going to be a steamroller, that we were finally going to have a counter-revolution in the world to push this back, because this agenda is global. Obama spent $700 million in the last three years pushing this throughout the entire world, but as soon as Putin gave indication, or Russia — it wasn't really Putin, it's the state or the national government itself — looked like they were sort of going to lead this charge, all of a sudden Obama pulled the plug on Russia; I know this sounds like a terrible conspiracy theory but I believe it, and they he then orchestrated the coup in Ukraine and then sort of kick-started the Cold War again. I believe, personally, a lot of people might not, but I believe that one of the main reasons for him doing that was to stop the Russians from setting the example across the world because this agenda is heart and soul to Obama."