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VA GOP Lt. Governor Nominee E.W. Jackson: Homosexuality Is 'Poison,' Democrats Are Slave Masters & Obama Is a Secret Muslim

With the ultraconservative Ken Cuccinelli as their candidate for governor, it only makes sense that Virginia Republican delegates picked far-right pastor and failed U.S. Senate candidate E. W. Jackson as their nominee for Lt. Governor.

Jackson is running(link is external) on a “message to inspire and unite Virginia,” which apparently includes uniting Virginians around bigotry towards gays and lesbians, comparing Democrats to slave masters and the Antichrist and warning that President Obama is a secret Muslim.

Jackson on gays and lesbians:

  • Referred(link is external) to gays and lesbians as “perverted,” “degenerate,” “spiritually darkened” and “frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally.”
  • Said(link is external) regarding homosexuality: “it poisons culture, it destroys families, it destroys societies; it brings the judgment of God unlike very few things that we can think of.”
  • Argued(link is external) that gays seek to “sexualize [children] at the earliest possible age” and use “totalitarian” tactics.
  • Claimed gays are hurting black women(link is external): “I’ve heard a lot of young black ladies that a lot of young black men seem to be gay. I’ve heard them complain about it, they say ‘so many of these guys are homosexuals’ and they are frankly frustrated by it.”
  • Demanded the reinstitution of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (link is external) : “The military has been decimated by this lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender policy that has now been implemented. It’s an abomination and it’s only going to weaken us militarily and they need to undo it,” warning(link is external) that the policy’s repeal is a “disaster of historic proportions.”
  • Contended(link is external) that homosexuality is “killing black men by the thousands” and said of gay rights advocates: “what they’re promoting is killing people.”
  • Called GLSEN founder and anti-bullying activist Kevin Jennings a “radical homosexual activist” who should have been “imprisoned” in a letter(link is external) demanding he resign as head of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools.
  • Said(link is external) there is a “direct connection” between gays and pedophilia.

Jackson on Obama and Democrats:

  • Wondered(link is external) how the Democratic Party “managed to hold on to black Christians in spite of an agenda worthy of the Antichrist.”
  • Proclaimed(link is external) that “the Democrat Party has shown itself to be anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-family, anti-life and anti-God… We're calling people to come out of the Democrat Party and not support candidates who represent its values and the rebellion that it represents against God. That certainly would include President Barack Obama.”
  • Claimed(link is external) that Democratic Party supporters are “insulting their faith and blaspheming their God” by supporting a “coalition of the godless(link is external).”
  • Warned(link is external) that ministers who support Obama “are going to have to answer to God” if they encourage “their congregations to support this abomination.”
  • Said(link is external) Democrats believe “that the Bible is a lie and indeed they are saying that God is a liar.”
  • Argued(link is external) that “liberalism and their ideas have done more to kill black folks whom they claim so much to love than the Ku Klux Klan, lynching and slavery and Jim Crow ever did, now that’s a fact.”
  • Maintained(link is external) that Obama “seems to have a lot of sympathy for even radical Islam” and(link is external) “clearly has Muslim sensibilities,” arguing(link is external) that Obama “certainly does have a lot of affection and favor for Islam, that seems to be his priority…Christianity, I don’t really think about that with him, I really don’t, that’s a joke.”   
  • Compared(link is external) Democratic leaders to “slave masters” who make sure that black people who disagree with them are “punished.”
  • Insisted(link is external) that Planned Parenthood “has been far more lethal to Black lives than the KKK ever was.”
  • Predicted that African Americans will “overwhelmingly” vote against Obama(link is external) as a result of his endorsement of marriage equality and a move of God to “stir the hearts of His people” and push them against the Democrats.
  • Maintained that the President and First Lady are both Communist sympathizers who dislike America(link is external).

Updated 5/21.