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Wayne Allyn Root Accidentally Admits His Obama Conspiracy Theory Is Bogus

Wayne Allyn Root, the right-wing activist whose totally(link is external) baseless(link is external) allegation(link is external) that President Obama may have never attended Columbia University(link is external) has been picked up by conservative outlets like Fox News(link is external) and the Wall Street Journal(link is external), continues to promote this insanely contradictory conspiracy theory(link is external) in the pages of WND.

After spending years insisting that Obama was a complete ghost at Columbia — “It’s the story of the Manchurian candidate(link is external)” — Root somehow continues to also assert that Obama did indeed attend Columbia where he studied how to destroy America from within.

In his ironically titled post, “I Can Put Obama At The Scene Of The Crime(link is external),” the conservative commentator says everything Obama knows, he learned at Columbia.

“It’s all according to plan – a plan Obama learned at Columbia,” writes the pundit who earlier suggested the president never attended Columbia. “Everything Obama does, and everything happening to the U.S. economy, all started at Columbia. The entire Obama agenda to overwhelm the system, destroy capitalism and murder the middle class was hatched at Columbia.”

Despite everything he just wrote, Root still insists that “Obama may not have attended class.”

My new book, “The Murder of the Middle Class,” has launched across America. It’s about how America, the greatest nation in world history, is being destroyed by the purposeful “murder of the middle class” and death of the American dream. It is not happening by accident, mistake or coincidence. This is a purposeful plan. This is the greatest conspiracy in world history.

The ringleader is Barack Obama, and I can put Obama at the scene of the crime. How can I do that? I was Barack Obama’s classmate at Columbia University, class of ’83. You need to know about Obama and his plan to “murder the middle class.” To stop it, we first have to understand it.

First, at Columbia we were repeatedly told America is a land of “unfairness, inequality and lack of social justice.” Recognize those words? My classmates proudly called themselves progressives and socialists, even Marxists. They talked about how to dismantle the “power structure,” the rich and the business owners – especially white ones. This is especially interesting since almost all my Columbia classmates were spoiled-brat white kids from the best prep schools in America, where their massive white guilt brainwashing started early.

We were taught to hate capitalism and believe it had to be destroyed so America’s wealth could be redistributed to create “fairness and equality.” Sound familiar?

At Columbia we studied “The Communist Manifesto,” Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the Cloward-Piven strategy to transform America.

Most importantly, we were taught a simple, but brilliant plan called “Cloward-Piven,” after former Columbia professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The plan called for the destruction of capitalism and American exceptionalism by overwhelming the system with massive spending, entitlements and debt. That would collapse the economy, wipe out the middle class and bring Americans to their knees, begging government to save them. Sound familiar? It’s the exact plan Obama has been implementing.

We were taught at Columbia a key component of the plan involved fooling the voters by calling yourself “moderate” – never admit your real goals. We were taught to demonize your opponents, calling them evil, greedy, extreme, radical and even “terrorist.” Put your opponents on the defense by calling them the very things you are. Lie, misrepresent and commit fraud because “The ends justify the means.” Obama learned well.

The key to it all is to “boil the frog slowly,” something we also learned at Columbia. Set the fire low, so the frog (in this case, the middle class) wouldn’t know what was happening until he’s cooked.

It’s all according to plan – a plan Obama learned at Columbia. Everything Obama does, and everything happening to the U.S. economy, all started at Columbia. The entire Obama agenda to overwhelm the system, destroy capitalism and murder the middle class was hatched at Columbia. Obama may not have attended class, but he learned well. He should have received the Karl Marx Award for “Student Most Likely to Destroy America.”

That’s why Columbia matters. You must know your enemy before you can defeat him. Columbia University is a window into Obama’s soul. That’s why I’ve spent the last year writing the “Murder of the Middle Class,” to give all Americans the information and tools to save the middle class and the American dream. This fight is just getting started. God bless America.