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Wayne Allyn Root: Donald Trump Is A Vicious, Vengeful, Foul-Mouthed 'War President' Sent By God

Yesterday, Wayne Allyn Root, a Donald Trump-worshiping sycophant(link is external) and all-around(link is external) conspiracy theorist(link is external), appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's radio program to declare that Trump's presidential campaign is a message from God that "it's time for a war president."

"I think we need a war president and I think God sent us someone named Donald Trump," Root said. "I think he's perfect for this election. We needed someone who is a bit coarse and foul-mouthed and vicious and fights with a gun in a gunfight, not with a knife in a gun fight."

"I think he's the right guy at that right time," he continued, "and I get very mad when Christians try and tell me that they're not going to vote for him because he's just too coarse and too foul and too vicious and he says offensive things. When you read the Bible, I read tons of vengeful things, I read tons of war and death and people being punished by God. God is not always nice; this God takes vengeance when he's mad at you and he sends really vicious people when you need them."

"We're in a war to save America, I think from the devil, I think from the Antichrist, I think from a biblical prophecy that someone is going to take down this country and  it's pretty clear to me it's happening right now," Root concluded.