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Wayne Allyn Root: Obama Using Ferguson To Start A Race War, Declare Martial Law

Conservative pundit Wayne Allyn Root writes in a WorldNetDaily column today(link is external) that President Obama waited to speak out out on the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri, because he is trying to start a race war and distract voters from issues like Obamacare and immigration.

Root — who probably would have attacked Obama for fostering racial hostility had he weighed in on the situation in Ferguson earlier — writes that Obama “could have put this smoldering fire out days ago” by appearing in Ferguson since he “isn’t just any president; he’s the first black president.”

After arguing that Obama hasn’t spoken about race-related issues enough, he goes on to accuse Obama of “stirring the pot” on race because he “desperately needs to distract the people to carry out his plan to destroy this country.”

“Obama needs ‘division.’ Race warfare. Class warfare. Anger. Resentment. Civil war.”

“Here is the perfect opportunity to divide the nation, to incite unrest and violence across America,” he writes. “If the American people are fighting each other, they won’t see what is really happening to the country. And think of the bonuses here. Obama could use spreading unrest to declare martial law.”

This situation could have been defused 10 days ago with an appearance by the president. Barack Obama isn’t just any president; he’s the first black president. The young man killed by police was a black male. The smoldering town is predominantly black. The angry crowds are black Americans. A few words from Obama while standing on the ground in Ferguson could have put this smoldering fire out days ago.

Obama could have stopped this fire from getting out of control at any time of his choosing. So where was Obama? Why doesn’t he want to put the fire out?

My new book, “The Murder of the Middle Class,” is all about the accelerating decline and destruction of America under Barack Obama. Nothing Obama does is by mistake. Everything has a purpose. Everything fits an agenda to “fundamentally change America.” Obama never lets a crisis go to waste. He uses every crisis to distract the people. Don’t look now, but Ferguson is the perfect crisis, at the perfect time. This one came on a silver platter!

What is Obama distracting us from? Pick a story, any story. America is crumbling on all fronts. Jobs. The economy. Immigration. Obamacare. Israel. Putin. ISIS. It’s all going bad. Fast.

So how do you hide and distract the masses from this unfolding multi-pronged disaster? How do you try to change landslide losses in the upcoming midterm elections? You change the game. You create strife and division. Racial division. It’s the perfect cover.

Watch tonight’s news. Count the minutes on all these stories versus Ferguson. It’s Obama’s dream come true! The perfect distraction. Heck, not only is Ferguson eating up all the air in the room, but Brian Williams and the NBC national news was coming from Ferguson last night. Can you imagine if unrest, rioting and looting spreads to cities across America? It will dominate the news for weeks, pushing all Obama’s disasters off the air.

Obama has stirred the pot for six years now. Black against white. Rich against poor. Men against women. Republicans against Democrats. Private sector against public servants. Taxpayers against the tax takers. Obama needs “division.” Race warfare. Class warfare. Anger. Resentment. Civil war. America is bursting at the seams. It’s all part of the agenda. It’s all part of the Cloward-Piven plan we learned as classmates at Columbia University, Class of ’83. Obama desperately needs to distract the people to carry out his plan to destroy this country. He is following the plan to a T.

Ferguson just happened to come along at the perfect time. It’s exactly what Obama needed. Ferguson is the perfect match to light the fire. Here is the perfect opportunity to divide the nation, to incite unrest and violence across America.

If the American people are fighting each other, they won’t see what is really happening to the country. And think of the bonuses here. Obama could use spreading unrest to declare martial law. This crisis could accelerate Obama’s plans times a thousand. Cloward and Piven are smiling. Saul Alinsky is nodding. Karl Marx is applauding.

Ferguson is just the start. Obama has lit the match. America is on fire.