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Wayne Allyn Root: Obama's DNC Speech 'Could Have Been Written By Lucifer Himself' And 'Delivered By The Anti-Christ'

Wayne Allyn Root, the Donald Trump campaign(link is external) surrogate(link is external) who predicted in 2014 that we would all die from Ebola if President Obama wasn't forced out of office(link is external), wrote in a column(link is external) today that Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention last night “could have been written by Lucifer himself, to be delivered by the anti-Christ.”

Root blasted Obama as a “psychopath, sociopath and ego-maniac who rules as a tyrant" and claimed that the president sees himself as a god who can exploit “ignorant, naïve and gullible voters.”

“Lucifer himself would be proud,” Root wrote.

I give both political and business speeches all over America, and all over the world. I know a great speech when I see and hear one. Obama’s speech last night at the DNC was masterful. It was one of the greatest political speeches I’ve ever heard.

There was one problem: It was 100 percent fiction, fraud and fantasy.

If it were given by any CEO in America at a shareholders meeting, or a press conference in front of the media, that CEO would face life in prison for fraud and misrepresentation.

Any screenwriter in Hollywood could have made it up out of thin air and won an Academy Award. It could have been a speech written by Bernie Madoff.

It could have been written by Lucifer himself, to be delivered by the anti-Christ.

Obama railed against believing in gods. “No man is a god” was a central theme in his speech. No man can save you. No man can save America. No man can turn around an economy. He was aiming all that at Donald Trump. Except he was describing himself.

Obama is the one who was elected by portraying himself to ignorant, naïve and gullible voters as a god who could walk on water.

Obama himself is the psychopath, sociopath and ego-maniac who rules as a tyrant, by issuing executive orders, ignoring the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, and making believe Congress doesn’t exist. Every word directed at Trump described Obama, Obama’s last eight years of rule and Obama’s voters.

Lucifer himself would be proud.