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Wayne Allyn Root: Remove Obama From Office 'Before He Kills All Of Us'

Last week, right-wing pundit(link is external), activist(link is external), crackpot(link is external), and conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) Wayne Allyn Root appeared on the "Point of View" radio program(link is external) to warn that President Obama must be removed from office immediately "before he kills all of us."

Fuming that Obama has not sealed the southern border or banned travel to the U.S. from West African countries, Root warned that Ebola-ridden terrorists would soon be walking into America and infecting the entire population and Obama is allowing this to happen because he was "sent here to destroy this country."

"One man is taking down the entire America," Root declared. "This was his plan. It's not a mistake. It's not a coincidence. It's not fate. One man was sent here to destroy this country. I don't know who it was. Was it the Soviet Union? Was it communist forces? I don't know who it is. Was it the Bilderbergs that want the world under One World control? I don't know, Kerby. All I know is there's someone in office who is either mentally unstable or is so incompetent that he has got to be removed, or he is purposely taking down this country."

"We've got to remove him from office and fast," Root said(link is external), "before he kills all of us":