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What It Means That the New House Speaker Is an Acolyte of Christian Nationalist Pseudo-Historian David Barton

David Barton speaks at a Nevada Courageous Conservatives rally with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck hosted by Keep the Promise PAC at the Henderson Convention Center in Henderson, Nevada, Feb. 21, 2016
(Photo by Gage Skidmore)

When Rep. Mike Johnson was elected(link is external) Speaker of the House earlier this week, Christian nationalist religious-right activist Rick Green was "literally in tears(link is external)" because, he said, Johnson "is one of our guys."

Johnson himself confirmed as much back in 2021 when he spoke at a WallBuilders Pro-Family Legislators conference where he heaped praise(link is external) on Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton, saying(link is external) that Barton's work "has had such a profound influence on me and my work and my life."

Green and Barton produce a daily "WallBuilders Live" radio program together, and on Thursday(link is external), they were downright giddy about Johnson's elevation to the speakership, declaring that Johnson "sounds like a WallBuilders speaker" and proclaiming that "this is literally the kind of guy that we have been praying for."

Johnson certainly does(link is external) "sound like a WallBuilders speaker" and given that Right Wing Watch has covered Barton(link is external) and WallBuilders(link is external) for decades, it is worth taking a look at just what that means.

David Barton has built an entire career out of misusing(link is external), misrepresenting(link is external), and outright falsifying history(link is external), the Bible(link is external), and current events(link is external) and doing so to promote his Christian nationalist political agenda(link is external). He has been highly influential(link is external) not only within Republican politics(link is external), where he has many fans among current(link is external) and former(link is external) GOP legislators(link is external), but also internationally(link is external). On top of that, Barton's Christian nationalist pseudo-history(link is external) is shaping(link is external) both Christian(link is external) and secular(link is external) educational institutions(link is external) across the country.

Barton, who has repeatedly(link is external) misrepresented(link is external) his academic credentials(link is external) and personal history(link is external), had his book on Thomas Jefferson pulled by his own publisher(link is external) in 2012 after it concluded that "basic truths just were not there."

Undaunted, Barton has soldiered on, repeatedly declaring that Christians who share his far-right worldview are supposed to be choosing our elected leaders(link is external) and ruling the world(link is external) because everything must operate according to biblical principles(link is external).

Barton falsely insists(link is external) that our Constitution(link is external) and entire system of government(link is external) are based on the Bible and thus asserts that everything from the minimum wage(link is external) to the income tax(link is external) to the teaching of evolution(link is external) are unconstitutional because they supposedly violate Biblical teachings. Barton also believes that there should be literally no limits(link is external) on the Second Amendment, meaning that average citizens are entitled to own tanks, fighter jets(link is external), and even nuclear weapons(link is external).

Predictably, Barton takes a far-right position on issues like abortion—going so far as to proclaim that life actually begins before conception(link is external)—and on LGBTQ issues(link is external), asserting repeatedly that AIDS is God's punishment for sin(link is external) and therefore a cure(link is external) will never be found(link is external).

On Thursday, Barton appeared on(link is external) the "Victory News" program, where he declared that he has "been friends for years" with Johnson, whom he praised for having not only a proper "biblical worldview" but also a corresponding Christian nationalist understanding of the founding and history of the United States.

"This is a God guy, and we thank God for putting a God guy in at this time in our history," Barton celebrated. "It's a really good thing."

David Barton is almost single-handedly responsible for creating the Christian nationalist myths that the far-right uses to justify its push(link is external) to enact harmful public policies that weaken the separation of church and state, undermine women’s rights, and deny legal equality to LGBTQ Americans.

The fact that Rep. Mike Johnson, who is now Speaker of the House and second in line for the presidency, is an acolyte of Barton and his teachings ought to be alarming to all those who care about core American values like church-state separation and religious pluralism, not to mention teaching the truth about our founding and history

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