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White Nationalist Vincent James Would Happily Live in a 'Society Where They Throw Gays Off Roofs'

Near the end of 2022, far-right streamers Vincent James and Steven Franssen hosted an episode(link is external) of their "White Boy Wednesday" livestream during which James said that he would be more than happy to live in a society where "they throw gays off buildings."

James is an unapologetic(link is external) racist(link is external)antisemite(link is external)misogynist(link is external)conspiracy theorist(link is external), and fascist(link is external) who currently serves as the treasurer(link is external) of white nationalist Nick Fuentes’ America First organization. He has used his livestream program, broadcast on Fuentes' "anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-Black, antisemitic(link is external)" platform, to openly advocate for throwing gay people(link is external) off of buildings before, as well as calling for women to be stripped(link is external) of their rights(link is external) and the establishment of a Christian Taliban(link is external) in this country that will “dominate without mercy.(link is external)

During the "White Boy Wednesday" broadcast, James grew exasperated by those who criticized FIFA for holding the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, a nation that harshly(link is external) oppresses and persecutes LGBTQ people.

"Who cares how they treat homosexuals?" James said. "Why do we have to measure things based on how they treat homosexuals? Can't we measure things based on everything else? Why does that always have to be the most important thing? Oh, they throw gays off buildings? So? How does their train system work? Is my train going to be 12 hours late? Oh, no? Oh, OK. Well, I'll look the other way while they're throwing some gay dude off a roof."

"Which one would you rather have: trains to be on time [and] society to function or ... society to be completely dysfunctional and totally homosexual and they're turning your kids gay?" James asked. "I'd say I choose the functional society where they throw gays off roofs and make women wear wear [hijabs]."

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