• June 27, 2024 5:20 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: By God’s Grace

    Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry defends his state’s recently enacted Ten Commandments law, saying the Supreme Court “got it wrong in the 1940s when it created this metaphor of church and state.” Jack Hibbs says that by putting the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, “teachers are not going to be raping kids any more.” Tony […]

  • June 27, 2024 2:17 pm

    David Barton Vows to Ensure the Republican Platform Aligns With the First Twelve Chapters of Genesis

    As he has multiple times in the past, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton will once again serve on the committee responsible for drafting the Republican platform ahead of the Republican National Convention next month. Addressing the responsibility on his radio program today, Barton said that his mission is to see that the Republican Party platform […]

  • June 26, 2024 5:02 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: The Flynn Family Business

    Anne Nelson @ The Washington Spectator: God and QR Codes for Trump; The Courage Tour Goes to Michigan At the outset, the Courage Tour looks like an updated version of an old-fashioned Elmer Gantry-style revival, complete with Bible verses, Christian rock, and the promise of faith healing for sufferers of anything from arthritis to sciatica. […]

  • June 26, 2024 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: This Isn’t Scooby-Doo

    Christian nationalist Doug Wilson complains that by giving women the right to vote, “we were, in fact, taking it away from families.” Mark Meckler says that if his organization actually manages to convene a convention of the states to propose constitutional amendments, it will literally be “the biggest political event in the history of the […]

  • June 26, 2024 2:56 pm

    Christian Nationalists’ Anti-LGBTQ Plan: Allow Anyone To Sue Teacher, Librarian ‘Groomers’

    When the National Association of Christian Lawmakers held its National Policy Conference at Liberty University earlier this month, participants on one panel discussed ways to take advantage of the far-right majority’s control of the Supreme Court to “unwind” the separation of church and state. During a separate session, participants, led by radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and […]

  • June 24, 2024 12:21 pm

    MAGA Pastor Mark Burns Goes All Out In Last Minute Campaign Ad

    Mark Burns is a right-wing pastor, conspiracy theorist, and unabashed Trump cultist who, after running unsuccessfully for Congress in South Carolina in 2018 and 2022. switched districts in 2024 to take advantage of GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan’s decision not to run for reelection in what the Associated Press described as “a solidly Republican South Carolina […]

  • June 21, 2024 5:01 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: That’s Bait

    Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: Only Clarence Thomas Would Let Domestic Abusers Keep Their Guns In New Ruling The Supreme Court ruled Friday that individuals who pose a “credible threat to the physical safety of another” may be stripped of their guns, showing that even its extremely expansive reading of the Second Amendment stops […]

  • June 21, 2024 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Once The Mass Deportations Start

    North Dakota state Rep. Nico Rios fumes that “legal immigrants are worse than illegal immigrants” because “they’ll be harder to kick out when the mass deportations start.” Jim Garlow says that posting the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms will “begin to tame the evil in the human heart, and slowly begin to produce an […]

  • June 20, 2024 5:17 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: Leviticus Goes Hard

    Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Why Louisiana’s radical new law on Ten Commandments, schools matters The Supreme Court has said Ten Commandments displays in public schools are unconstitutional. Louisiana Republicans passed a new law on this anyway. Hannah Gais @ Hatewatch: What We Know About the VDARE Legal Situation That They Say ‘Finished’ Them […]

  • June 20, 2024 5:15 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Keeping Virginia Safe From Witchcraft

    John Hagee will receive the Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement Award at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s upcoming Road to Majority Policy Conference. Paul Blair did not appreciate our coverage of his recent meltdown over Pride Month. Mike Davis calls on the Supreme Court to disbar Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse because of his criticism of the court […]

  • Showing results 151 - 160 of 32,467