• May 8, 2024 5:32 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: Ripe And Fertile

    Annie Grayer @ CNN: GOP lawmaker claims KKK is ‘the military wing of the Democratic Party’ in closed door meeting ahead of antisemitism hearing GOP Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania said in a closed door briefing with lawmakers on Tuesday that the Ku Klux Klan is the “the military wing of the Democratic party” and […]

  • May 8, 2024 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Call It Christian Nationalism

    FreedomWorks, a right-wing organization that rose to prominence on the Tea Party movement during the Obama era, is closing because former President Donald Trump’s MAGA movement has taken over the entire conservative movement. Joeylynn Mesaros is being sued for her role in a “Trump Train” that dangerously harassed a Biden campaign bus in Texas during […]

  • May 8, 2024 2:06 pm

    Jack Hibbs Says Campus Protesters ‘Have No Constitutional Rights’

    Jack Hibbs, a far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor, conspiracy theorist, and Christian nationalist, posted a video on his YouTube channel earlier this week in which he lashed out at the protests that have sprung up on college campuses around the country in opposition to the ongoing war in Gaza. Hibbs, an ardent Christian Zionist whose own support […]

  • May 7, 2024 5:31 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: From The Fringe To The Mainstream

    Matthew D. Taylor and Paul A. Djupe@ Religion News Service: How Trumpism has pushed a fringe charismatic theology into the mainstream Charismatic Christian prophets have gained new influence since becoming identified with the former president. Jerod MacDonald-Evoy @ The Arizona Mirror: Anthony Kern can no longer use broadcast facilities after using them to join a […]

  • May 7, 2024 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Thank God For White Privilege

    The key thing to know about David Barton is not just that he spreads Christian nationalist disinformation, but that he keeps spreading it even after it’s been debunked. Back in 2022, Right Wing Watch exposed his false claim that public schools in New Jersey used to require students to memorize the Bible, yet it remains […]

  • May 7, 2024 1:53 pm

    Chris Reed Says Muslims Cannot Be Americans

    A multi-day right-wing event took place at The Gathering church in North Carolina last weekend, aimed at mobilizing pastors to become more active in politics. The event was organized by America’s Black Robe Regiment, a Christian nationalist group founded by Rev. Bill Cook, who has made it his mission to see “the government of God […]

  • May 6, 2024 5:17 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: A Life Wasted

    David A. Fahrenthold @ The New York Times: Pro-Trump Nonprofit Paid Millions to Companies Tied to Its Own Leaders The Conservative Partnership Institute’s three highest-paid contractors had connections to the group’s leaders or their relatives, raising concerns about self-dealing. Julia Laurie @ Mother Jones: Mystery Group Announces $5 Million Fund to Pay for Reports of […]

  • May 6, 2024 5:15 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: He Means What He Says

    Nick Fuentes asserts that “what I mean is what I said” and resents his own followers for trying to do damage control by insisting that he’s not actually racist: “What if I am? Is that a problem?” With Fuentes being restored on Twitter, North Dakota state Rep. Nico Rios was quick to follow his account. […]

  • May 3, 2024 5:07 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: Fake Facts

    Tess Owen @ Wired: Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups After lying low for years in the aftermath of January 6, exclusive reporting shows, militia extremist groups and profiles have been quietly reorganizing and ramping up recruitment and rhetoric on Facebook. Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Trump responds to falling […]

  • May 3, 2024 5:04 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Prayers To Demons

    Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin says that if Nick Fuentes is going to have his Twitter account reinstated, then Anglin should have his account reinstated too because “we’re ostensibly in the same category”: “There is no reason not to unban me along with Nick. It will be the same media hit. There is no difference in a […]

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