• February 8, 2024 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: ‘Charlie Kirk Has Become A White Nationalist’

    Outraged that a new Netflix series accurately portrays Alexander the Great’s sexuality, Stew Peters and Isabella Moody blame the Jews. The “Dilley Meme Team” continues to produce absolutely vile content in support of the Trump campaign. When white nationalist Nick Fuentes approvingly notes that Charlie Kirk “has become a white supremacist,” who are we to […]

  • February 8, 2024 2:34 pm

    Andrew Wommack Says It Would Be Worth Having A Civil War To Turn This Nation Back To God

    “FlashPoint” is a Christian nationalist program produced by televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel network that is poised to hit the road in 2024, seeking to mobilize conservative Christians heading into the November elections. Featuring a rotating roster of MAGA cultists, self-proclaimed “prophets,” and various conspiracy theorists, “FlashPoint” is scheduled to make its first stop at […]

  • February 7, 2024 5:33 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: None Of These Candidates

    Charlie Nash @ Mediaite: Nikki Haley Loses Nevada Primary Without Trump on the Ballot to ‘None of These Candidates.’ Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley lost Nevada’s GOP primary on Tuesday to “none of these candidates” in a humiliating defeat. AJ McDougall @ The Daily Beast: House GOP Suffers Spectacular Double Fail on Mayorkas, Israel Package. […]

  • February 7, 2024 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Rage Quit

    Everett Piper is promoting the bogus claim that the Founding Fathers relied on the Bible, particularly Deuteronomy, in creating this nation and its government. Michigan state Rep. Josh Schriver is promoting the far-right “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. Nick Fuentes was unable to do a show Monday night because he had technical problems … plus, his […]

  • February 7, 2024 11:00 am

    A Case Study In The Spread Of David Barton’s Christian Nationalist Disinformation

    Recently, Warren Throckmorton launched a podcast called “Telling Jefferson Lies” that chronicles the career Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton and exposes the ways in which Barton misrepresents and misuses history to promote his far-right political agenda. The podcast is centered about the new second edition of the book Throckmorton co-authored with Michael Coulter called “Getting […]

  • February 6, 2024 5:02 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: No Immunity

    Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Appeals court: ‘Citizen Trump’ not immune from prosecution. Rejecting outlandish immunity claims, the D.C. Circuit ruled, “For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump.” Tim Dickinson @ Rolling Stone: Mike Johnson Gathers Far-Right Christians to Cast Out Demons. GOP lawmakers and extremist pastors […]

  • February 6, 2024 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Fasting And Prayer For 2024

    Kenneth Copeland’s Eagle Mountain International Church is launching a “call to fasting and prayer” for the 2024 election: “The 2024 elections are fast approaching. We know the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But the Word says to catch him, rebuke him, resist him, bind him and cast him out. Through this fast, we […]

  • February 6, 2024 3:58 pm

    ‘This Is Spiritual Warfare’: Dusty Deevers’ Holy Crusade To Outlaw Pornography

    Dusty Deevers is a far-right pastor and unabashed Christian nationalist who was elected to a seat in the Oklahoma state senate last year. Since taking office, Deevers has introduced legislation to, among other things, abolish abortion, ban no-fault divorce, and outlaw pornography. Deevers appeared on Daily Wire host Michael Knowles‘ program recently to discuss his […]

  • February 6, 2024 10:34 am

    A New Guide to the Theology That Drives Trump’s Dominionist Prophets and Apostles

    Book Review “American Evangelicals for Trump: Dominion, Spiritual Warfare, and the End Times,” by Canadian scholar André Gagné, explores the theological underpinnings of the New Apostolic Reformation, a movement of predominantly Charismatic Christians that views politics as spiritual warfare and opposition to former President Donald Trump as demonic. Gagné, a professor of religion at Concordia […]

  • February 5, 2024 5:02 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: 100 Percent Turn Over

    Warren Throckmorton: Telling Jefferson Lies: The Cataclysm. In 2012, only four months after release, publisher Thomas Nelson removed David Barton’s book The Jefferson Lies from publication. Many people blamed or credited a book by Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter titled Getting Jefferson Right for moving the publisher in that direction. What happened? PBS News Hour: […]

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