• November 3, 2023 4:45 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Carrying Around a Demon

    Michael Farris—former president of the Alliance Defending Freedom, where House Speaker Mike Johnson previously worked—says that Johnson is “the highest ranking, serious, biblically-trained … government official we’ve ever had in my lifetime.” Dave Daubenmire declares that churches that celebrate Halloween “are no different than abortionists calling baby murder ‘health care.’” Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers […]

  • November 3, 2023 2:05 pm

    Dominionist Leader Mike Bickle Faces Multiple Sexual Abuse Allegations

    Mike Bickle, a major figure within the dominionist Pentecostal wing of American Christianity, has been accused by multiple women and former colleagues of sexual and spiritual abuse stretching over several decades. In reporting the allegations, Religion News Service called Bickle “one of the most influential charismatic Christians in the United States and a leading figure in the so-called New […]

  • November 3, 2023 11:48 am

    Oklahoma’s Christian Nationalist Education Chief Ryan Walters Joins Trump Campaign

    Oklahoma’s far-right superintendent of public instruction Ryan Walters announced Wednesday that he is joining Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Perhaps not coincidentally, Walters is looking to hire a national pubic relations firm to produce a minimum of three op-eds, two speeches, and 10 media bookings per month, reports Jennifer Palmer at Oklahoma Watch. In announcing that […]

  • November 2, 2023 5:05 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: The Fall of Rome

    Andrew Kaczynski @ CNN: Before he became a politician, House Speaker Mike Johnson partnered with an anti-gay conversion therapy group. In print, radio and on television, Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, frequently disparaged homosexuality, according to KFile’s review. He advocated for the criminalization of gay sex and went so far as to partially blame it for […]

  • November 2, 2023 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Tremendous Honor, Spiritually

    Jim Bakker proclaims that “there’s going to be civil war in this country within this year.” We never expected to see far-right Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers quoting Malcolm X. Glenn Beck has sent a letter to Israel asking for citizenship: “I don’t know why I was born … [but] to have the privilege to […]

  • November 2, 2023 2:35 pm

    Christian Nationalist Andrew Wommack Took Over Woodland Park Schools, Now He Wants To Take Over Colorado’s

    Andrew Wommack is a far-right anti-LGBTQ evangelist who routinely spreads misinformation and baseless conspiracy theories from his position as founder of Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado. In 2016, Wommack teamed up with Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton to launch a “Practical Government School” at Charis that teaches students how to “restore God’s purpose […]

  • November 2, 2023 1:03 pm

    From ‘Very Based’ to ‘Out of Context’: William Wolfe Attacks Right Wing Watch for Exposing His Radical Views

    Earlier this week, Right Wing Watch posted a clip of former Trump administration official and unabashed Christian nationalist William Wolfe declaring that “we are getting close” to a point where Christians need to “heed the call to arms.” When we published a link to our post and a video clip from Wolfe’s remarks on Twitter, […]

  • October 31, 2023 5:03 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: The Long Crusade

    Mark Silk @ Religion News Service: The evangelical Christian activist who is now speaker of the House. A Bible-believing Christian ought to know better. Tessa Stuart @ Rolling Stone: House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Long Crusade Against Birth Control. Johnson is known for being among the most anti-abortion lawmakers in Congress, and for railing against the […]

  • October 31, 2023 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Only Difference

    Eric Metaxas says that the only difference between President Joe Biden and Adolf Hitler is that “Hitler was elected; Biden had to steal the election.” Stew Peters and Lauren Witzke continue to put their racism on display in response to a tragic hockey accident. Jarrin Jackson declares the media is not covering the hockey accident […]

  • October 31, 2023 3:58 pm

    Former Trump Administration Official William Wolfe Says ‘We Are Getting Close’ to Christians Taking Up Arms

    Former Trump administration official and unabashed Christian nationalist William Wolfe spoke at a “Jesus And Politics” conference earlier this month, where he railed against “cowardly” Christians and warned that “we are getting close” to a point where Christians will have to “heed the call to arms.” Wolfe framed his remarks by quoting extensively from a […]

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