• October 31, 2023 3:58 pm

    Former Trump Administration Official William Wolfe Says ‘We Are Getting Close’ to Christians Taking Up Arms

    Former Trump administration official and unabashed Christian nationalist William Wolfe spoke at a “Jesus And Politics” conference earlier this month, where he railed against “cowardly” Christians and warned that “we are getting close” to a point where Christians will have to “heed the call to arms.” Wolfe framed his remarks by quoting extensively from a […]

  • October 30, 2023 5:01 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: The Polite Extremist

    David Corn @ Mother Jones: Mike Johnson Conducted Seminars Promoting the US as a “Christian Nation.” Spencer Macnaughton @ Rolling Stone: Inside the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Anti-LGBTQ Org Where Mike Johnson Spent Almost a Decade. Jennifer Bendery @ HuffPost: Mike Johnson’s Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest. Matthew D. […]

  • October 30, 2023 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Getting Very Close

    QAnon conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin declares that “we are getting very close” to seeing the arrests of “some big fish who are involved in the rape, torture, and trafficking of children.” She has literally been promising this since 2018. Former Trump administration official William Wolfe says “we need to abolish the public school system.” Milo […]

  • October 30, 2023 3:58 pm

    Texas State Rep. Matt Schaefer Says Those Seeking Office Must ‘Really Understand What the Bible Says’

    Last week, the Christian nationalist organization Christians Engaged broadcast a panel from its 2022 conference featuring several elected officials discussing how their Christian faith shapes their work in office. The panel was moderated by Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer, who revealed that when he speaks to young people who are interested in politics, he advises […]

  • October 27, 2023 5:02 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: The Embodiment of Christian Nationalism

    Andrew Whitehead and Samuel L. Perry @ Time: The Christian Nationalism of Speaker Mike Johnson. Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: How did Speaker Mike Johnson, the embodiment of Christian Nationalism, escape scrutiny? Sharon Zhang @ Salon: New House Speaker Mike Johnson used to be top counsel for anti-LGBTQ hate group. John Russell @ LGBTQ Nation: […]

  • October 27, 2023 5:00 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Melting Down

    VDare melts down over the destruction of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, declaring it to be “a humiliating act of anti-white hatred.” Jon Miller says that calling Nikki Haley a “Zionist c*nt” doesn’t even do her justice. Josiah David Moody proclaims that he is “antisemitic and anti-Zionist” […]

  • October 27, 2023 12:07 pm

    What It Means That the New House Speaker Is an Acolyte of Christian Nationalist Pseudo-Historian David Barton

    When Rep. Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House earlier this week, Christian nationalist religious-right activist Rick Green was “literally in tears” because, he said, Johnson “is one of our guys.” Johnson himself confirmed as much back in 2021 when he spoke at a WallBuilders Pro-Family Legislators conference where he heaped praise on Christian […]

  • October 26, 2023 5:03 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: Ordained by God

    Jack Jenkins @ Religion News Service: Mike Johnson, pedigreed evangelical, suggests his election as House speaker ordained by God. Jennifer Bendery @ HuffPost: New Speaker Mike Johnson’s Long History With The Religious Right. J.D. Wolf @ MeidasTouch: New Speaker Mike Johnson Blamed School Shootings on the Teaching of Evolution. Isaac Schorr @ Mediaite: Speaker Mike […]

  • October 26, 2023 5:01 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: How Scary That Is

    Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson is aghast that any of his colleagues would dare to argue “that our rights do not come from God”: “Think about how scary that is. If you believe your rights come from government, then it means you don’t owe any allegiance at all to God.” Christians nationalists like David […]

  • October 25, 2023 5:24 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: The New Speaker

    Nikki McCann Ramirez @ Rolling Stone: The New House Speaker Is a Far-Right Extremist Who Helped Plot 2020 Coup. Jo Becker @ The New York Times: Justice Thomas’s R.V. Loan Was Forgiven, Senate Inquiry Finds. Dan Kois @ Slate: I Watched All of the Daily Wire’s New Children’s Shows So You Don’t Have To. Kiera […]

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