• September 28, 2023 4:34 pm

    Kari Lake Thinks Life Under Dictator Roseanne Barr ‘Might Be Fun’

    After getting fired from her own television show after sending out a racist tweet in 2018, comedian Roseanne Barr eventually found a like-minded audience with an array of QAnon conspiracy theorists and far-right activists. Since then, Barr has continued to make outrageous antisemitic comments and spread wild conspiracy theories. Recently, Barr launched her own podcast […]

  • September 28, 2023 2:11 pm

    Stew Peters Advocates for a Violent Overthrow of the Government

    Stew Peters is a far-right virulently anti-LGBTQ bigot who regularly uses his nightly “The Stew Peters Show” program, speeches, and social media accounts to promote white nationalists and antisemites and to spread wild conspiracy theories, bigotry, and calls for violence. Despite his bigoted views and unhinged rhetoric, Peters regularly manages to get Republican leaders, elected […]

  • September 27, 2023 5:24 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: Fraud

    Michael Sisak @ The Associated Press: Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks and insurers while building real estate empire. Alex Griffing @ Mediaite: Poll Finds More Republicans View Trump as a ‘Person of Faith’ Than Pence or Romney. John Knefel & Zachary Pleat @ Media Matters: Mainstream outlets keep falsely insinuating that Trump is attending […]

  • September 27, 2023 5:21 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Just Being Biblical

    Shane Vaughn tells his followers not to worry about the court ruling finding former President Donald Trump guilty of fraud because “Trump always wins.” Jon Miller says that “it should be clear at this point that women are not fit to be political leaders.” Charlie Kirk complains that he gets criticized by Christians for being […]

  • September 27, 2023 4:16 pm

    ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Matt Shea Claims Condemning Politicians For Appearing With Him Is ‘Persecution of Christians’

    Last month, Christian nationalist worship leader and right-wing political activist Sean Feucht held an event in Spokane, Washington, where he and Christian nationalist pastor and former Washington state legislator Matt Shea jointly prayed over the city’s mayor, Nadine Woodward, Shea, as Right Wing Watch reported at the time, was stripped of his committee assignments during […]

  • September 27, 2023 3:55 pm

    Ken Blackwell Says Automatic Voter Registration Eliminates the ‘Freedom’ Not to Register to Vote

    For more than 15 years, Right Wing Watch has covered right-wing activist Ken Blackwell and his efforts to make it harder for people to vote. Back in 2004, Blackwell served as Ohio’s secretary of state, where he used the power of his office to “disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Ohio citizens, predominantly Minority and Democratic […]

  • September 26, 2023 5:20 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up: Let’s Check the Tape

    Jamie Frevele @ Mediaite: Far-Right Reporter Insists Trump ‘DID NOT BUY A FIREARM,’ Totally Contradicting What He Said on Tape Just Hours Earlier. Nico Perrino @ The Daily Beast: Right-Wing Activist Christopher Rufo Became the One Thing He Claims to Hate. Angry White Men: E. Michael Jones Tells Stew Peters That ‘The Holocaust Created Jewish […]

  • September 26, 2023 5:16 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Strike Force of Angel Armies

    Mark Mecker refuses to believe any of the allegations against Russell Brand, Matt Schlapp, Tim Ballard, or James O’Keefe. Tim Sheets reports that God has launched a “strike force of angel armies” around the world that will soon lead to an explosion of miracles and prophetic events. Scott Lively seems to be worried that former […]

  • September 26, 2023 2:02 pm

    ‘A Modern Fabrication’: Mark Meckler Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

    Mark Meckler is the president of the Convention of States Foundation and a leading proponent of the right-wing movement to get state legislatures to call for a dangerous Article V convention that will consider constitutional amendments to radically alter American government and society by making much of what the federal government now does unconstitutional. While […]

  • September 26, 2023 1:16 pm

    The Moms for Liberty – Michael Flynn Connection Strengthens

    An ally of far-right conspiracy theorist and political operative Michael Flynn has been named chair of the Moms for Liberty chapter in Sarasota, Florida. The alliance with Flynn is particularly revealing for a group that objects to criticism of its extremism; when former President Donald Trump suggested earlier this year that he would bring former […]

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